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  • Writer's pictureTerri Trepanier

Just say No!!!

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

I know these products look absolutely beautiful and tempting to purchase for those last minute 🎁.

The branding is tempting, the scents can be amazing, but please . . . . Please say no!

Don't buy these 🎁 sets for you or your loved ones this year.

Why do I say this?:

The chemicals in these products can disrupt your endocrine system.

Women, teenagers and young girls NEED to know that this stuff that many of us use daily have MEGA consequences including infertility, hormone imbalance, and inflammation.

Sadly, a lot of us forget that our skin is our biggest organ, and just like we know we need to take care of the other organs (or at least I hope that you know that), we have to take care of our skin too!! And putting these types of products on our skin is not taking care of it. The toxic ingredients that is in these lotions, soaps and body sprays absorb into your bloodstream within ~26 seconds!

🚫Isopropyl Alcohol: may cause premature aging of skin and is also found in anti-freeze. It strips skin of natural acid mantle, promoting growth of bacteria. It can cause headaches, flushed skin, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Also causes mental depression according to “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients.”

🚫Tetrasodium EDTA: contains formaldehyde and is a known skin and lung irritant.

🚫BHT: this fragrance has been linked to organ system toxicity and is a known skin, eye, and lung irritant.

🚫Disodium EDTA: neurotoxin linked to brain damage and liver changes in animals.

🚫Diazolidinyl Urea: this chemical releases formaldehyde into your body. Mayo Clinic says formaldehyde can irritate the respiratory system, cause skin reactions, trigger heart palpations, immune system toxicity, and cancer in humans. Exposure may cause joint pain, depression, headaches, dizziness, loss of sleep, chronic fatigue, ear infections, allergies, and chest pains. It can also trigger asthma and aggravate colds. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen found in J&J baby care products, skincare, antiperspirants, and hair dyes.

🚫Methylparaben and Propylparaben: directly linked to breast cancer. In mice it had weak estrogenic effects which caused damage to the sperm formation in the testes. It may contribute to sterility in males, hormone imbalances in females, and cause early puberty. A relative of methylparaben, sodium methylparaben has been banned in the E.U. Some other common names for paraben’s are ethyl-, butyl-, and isobutyl- all ending with paraben. These do not have to be labeled, so sometimes companies will not list within ingredients panel.

🚫Ceterareth-20: ENHANCES the absorption of ALL above chemicals

These products are very damaging and we as consumers need to know the harm they are causing.

Although the FDA should be the ones looking out for us, they’re not...I know, your shocked😲!

It’s up to us to make better choices for ourselves, our children and their health.

When in doubt turn to the Think Dirty app if you scan a barcode on the back of some thing it will give you the ingredient list and what level from 1 to 10 how bad it is.

It will also give you lots of options for safer alternatives!

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