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  • Writer's pictureTerri Trepanier

A Better Prescription

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

As a Medicare consultant, there is nothing more disheartening than realizing that while we live in the United States which is supposed to be the greatest place for healthcare, we are by far not healthy.

💊It is nothing for me to witness clients have up to ten medications for just one condition. Then, they are prescribed more medications to counter act the side effects of the original medications.

It's a vicious cycle of not only not getting better, but going broke attempting to do the right thing for our health and well-being.

🐠Let me give you something to think about - If you had a sick fish, how would you treat it?

Would you pour drugs into the fishbowl or would you clean the water?

🚰The obvious answer - You would clean the water.

Although medicine will always have it's rightful place, I've personally seen physicians prescribe another medication which never seems to get to the root of the condition you needed help with. In other words, you are dumping a drug into your already compromised body.

👍What you really need is to clean up your body so it can do what it's supposed to do to keep you feeling good.

It is my belief that Medicine or healthcare was originally created to help save lives. Whether it was from an accident, a stroke, or heart attack - the goal was to get a person back to health.

💉Today and understandably so, we tend to wait until we are sick and expect a drug to fix the situation. We may worry about paying for the doctor visit or have trouble getting in to see a doctor - This isn't healthcare; it's sickcare.

There are four major things that contribute to disease and sickness (and research proves this):

✳️Oxidative stress that is out of control

✳️Poor Gut Health


✳️Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Control these four areas of your life and you drastically improve your quality of a healthy functioning body.

🏪Let's face it - many of us will venture into a health food store attempting to find something that will help, buy products that we may or may not use, and if we look in our medicine cabinet, find barely or half used bottles.

I believe there is a better prescription - Clean nutrition that fuels our body, supplements with peer-reviewed studies and proven results, moving our body in a way that nourishes your mind, a refreshing night's sleep, and the most valuable gift of all - prayer that nurtures our soul.

💻Want to learn more about improving your health and well-being that addresses the four major contributors to disease or sickness? Message me with the words, "A Better Prescription".

Because healthcare shouldn't be sickcare. It should be preventative and therapeutic while healing physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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